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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Template 1 for Problem/Solution Essays IELTS Writing Task 2

Posted by IELTS HANU  |  No comments

 Template for Problem/Solution Essays
This template will be useful for traditional problem/solution essays, in which the question regards the effects/results/consequences of a problem, and then specific solutions. A slightly different template would be needed for a question that regards the causes of a problem. Remember that no template is perfect and you need to be flexible – be prepared to make adjustments to template prompts and grammar.
Question 1 = Q1 Question 2 = Q2 Essay 1 = E1 Essay 2 = E2 Paragraph 1 = P1, etc.
(Q1)Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.
Identify one or two of these problems and suggest solutions that can be used to address these issues.
(Q2)Many parents and educators today believe that children watch too much television which creates harm for their individual development. What are some of these harms and how can they be properly addressed?
The predicament of ___________reasons for/restating the general problem_______ constitutes one of the many social issues prevalent in modern society. Consequently, due to ___specific problem(s)________ ___who/what____ face serious challenges as a result of ____restate or synonym of general problem____. No doubt, meaningful changes must be made such as ________state the solution(s)______ in order to make reasonable headway into this dilemma.
(E1 P1)The predicament of cities always attracting new residents because of opportunities for employment, education, and a more vibrant social life constitutes one of the many social issues prevalent in modern society. Consequently, due to increased environmental pollution, modern cities face serious challenges as a result of containing too many people. No doubt, meaningful changes must be made such as government intervention in public transportation, rural development, and pollution laws in order to make reasonable headway into this dilemma.
(E2 P1)The predicament of children watching too much television constitutes one of the many social issues prevalent in modern society. Consequently, due to the development of aggressive behaviors along with simply making kids lazy, children face serious challenges as a result of overviewing TV. No doubt, meaningful changes must be made such as tighter parental supervision and increased governmental control over programming in order to make reasonable headway into this dilemma.
_____general problem/cause____________ often causes _____effect___________. Clearly, one example of this is ______example of specific problem____________________. Needless to say, if _____cause , then effect_________________. Simply, __________direct statement of further effect/result___________. Moreover, new example of specific problem/ or support for previous example______. In addition, while ___new specific example (benefit)______ , nonetheless, the harm caused by _____drawback_____________.
(E1 P2)Overpopulation often causes environmental problems. Clearly, one example of this is the pollution that is caused by having too many motor vehicles and factories in cities. Needless to say, if too many people operate a private vehicle, then there will be an increase in toxic emissions. Simply, this damages people’s respiratory health and, actually, can make a city look dirty and unattractive. Moreover, pollution can seep into water supplies and be poisonous to wildlife as well as humans. In addition, while factories are often important for the economy, nonetheless, the harm caused by factory soot and waste can certainly exceed the financial benefits.
(E2 P2)Children who watch too much TV often causes the development of aggressive characteristics. Clearly, one example of this is that children are typically allowed to make their own programming choices which usually contain violence. Needless to say, if young minds are left alone to decide what they watch, then through repetitive exposure they will become desensitized to violence and develop a warped, aggressive impression of the world. Simply, television promotes guns and knives which could then lead to causing violence. Moreover, television actually makes children lazy as they often sit mindlessly behind it doing nothing and usually gain less than from books. In addition, while it can be viewed during our leisure, nonetheless, the harm caused by students not dividing their time into more profitable endeavors leaves them lacking in other skills.
In order to fix these problems _____solution 1____________________________. Furthermore, ______________solution 2___________________________ . This will likely bring a reduction in _____effect of one or both of above solutions______________. Finally, __________Solution 3___________________________________.
(E1 P3)In order to fix these problems governments must invest in increasing public transportation for city dwellers. Furthermore, governments should encourage the development of rural areas surrounding cities and construct factories and universities there. This will likely bring a reduction in urban population density due to reduced migration. Finally, governments must be strict with their pollution laws and harshly punish corporations that cause it.
(E2 P3)In order to fix these problems parents must be stricter with what they allow their children to see. Furthermore, parents should be held accountable if their children commit violent acts. This will likely bring a reduction in aggressive behavior by society’s youth. Finally, governments should strengthen existing laws to reduce television access to minors.
In sum, _______restate the general problem__ is a problem that has been around for some time. While this is true, due to______restate the specific problem(s)_________, the need to address this issue has never been more important. What is needed _________restate the solution(s)___________________________________.
(E1 P4)In sum, overpopulation is a problem that has been around for some time. While this is true, due to the devastating consequences of excessive pollution, the need to address this issue has never been more important. What is needed is a drastic change in policy and the willingness to do things differently.
(E2 P4)In sum, children watching too much television is a problem that has been around for some time. While this is true, due to the creation of aggression and laziness in minors, the need to address this issue has never been more important. What is needed is more responsible parenting and stricter programming laws.
Extra Sentences:
It is perhaps true to say that _______ synonym/restatement or reference word for general problem have/has been a problem and time frame_____ and will not be disappearing anytime soon.
It is perhaps true to say that overpopulated cities have been a problem since they first appeared in human history and will not be disappearing anytime soo
It is perhaps true to say that the individual development of a society’s youth with their eyes glued to the small screen has been a problem for decades and will not be disappearing anytime soon.
Model Answers:
(E1 P1)The predicament of cities always attracting new residents because of opportunities for employment, education, and a more vibrant social life constitutes one of the many social issues prevalent in modern society. Consequently, due to increased environmental pollution, modern cities face serious challenges as a result of containing too many people. No doubt, meaningful changes must be made such as government intervention in public transportation, rural development, and pollution laws in order to make reasonable headway into this dilemma.
(E1 P2)Overpopulation often causes environmental problems. Clearly, one example of this is the pollution that is caused by having too many motor vehicles and factories in cities. Needless to say, if too many people operate a private vehicle, then there will be an increase in toxic emissions. Simply, this damages people’s respiratory health and, actually, can make a city look dirty and unattractive. Moreover, pollution can seep into water supplies and be poisonous to wildlife as well as humans. In addition, while factories are often important for the economy, nonetheless, the harm caused by factory soot and waste can certainly exceed the financial benefits.
(E1 P3)In order to fix these problems governments must invest in increasing public transportation for city dwellers. Furthermore, governments should encourage the development of rural areas surrounding cities and construct factories and universities there. This will likely bring a reduction in urban population density due to reduced migration. Finally, governments must be strict with their pollution laws and harshly punish corporations that cause it.
(E1 P4)In sum, overpopulation is a problem that has been around for some time. While this is true, due to the devastating consequences of excessive pollution, the need to address this issue has never been more important. What is needed is a drastic change in policy and the willingness to do things differently. (296)
(E2 P1)The predicament of children watching too much television constitutes one of the many social issues prevalent in modern society. Consequently, due to the development of aggressive behaviors along with simply making kids lazy, children face serious challenges as a result of overviewing TV. No doubt, meaningful changes must be made such as tighter parental supervision and increased governmental control over programming in order to make reasonable headway into this dilemma.
(E2 P2)Children who watch too much TV often causes the development of aggressive characteristics. Clearly, one example of this is that children are typically allowed to make their own programming choices which usually contain violence. Needless to say, if young minds are left alone to decide what they watch, then through repetitive exposure they will become desensitized to violence and develop a warped, aggressive impression of the world. Simply, television promotes guns and knives which could then lead to causing violence. Moreover, television actually makes children lazy as they often sit mindlessly behind it doing nothing and usually gain less than from books. In addition, while it can be viewed during our leisure, nonetheless, the harm caused by students not dividing their time into more profitable endeavors leaves them lacking in other skills.
(E2 P3)In order to fix these problems parents must be stricter with what they allow their children to see. Furthermore, parents should be held accountable if their children commit violent acts. This will likely bring a reduction in aggressive behavior by society’s youth. Finally, governments should strengthen existing laws to reduce television access to minors.
(E2 P4)In sum, children watching too much television is a problem that has been around for some time. While this is true, due to the creation of aggression and laziness in minors, the need to address this issue has never been more important. What is needed is more responsible parenting and stricter programming laws. (309)

IELTS Writing Task 2 template

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